About Pond Creek







Restoration Publications

In an effort to accomodate all stakeholder groups, several types of publications have been created to promote local watershed restoration. For example, a large Watershed Restoration Plan is being composed for ultimate submission to regulatory agencies such as TN Dept. of Agriculture and the EPA. Additional forms of publications include newsletters and brochures intended for watershed residents.

A formal Restoration / Action Plan is currently under development for the Pond Creek Watershed including past and present water quality data, source assessments, proposed BMPs to address these sources, and costs to implement these BMPs. This document will serve as a business plan on efforts of water quality improvements, and serve as a tool to leverage grant funds from state and federal agencies.

This is a rather large document, so it has been broken down by chapters for your review:

Executive Summary - 4pages

Chapters 1 - Introduction, 2 - Overview of Pond Creek, and 3 - Non-point source inventory
-- This section identifies the watershed, presents water quality data, and estimates known or suspect sources of nonpoint source pollution - 26p.

Chapter 4 - Restoration Strategy
-- This chapter outlines proposed goals and objectives to implement which will ultimately restore and enhance the creek - 11p.

Chapters 5 - Education and Outreach, 6 - Monitoring, 7 - Schedule, and 8 - Financial Needs - 14p.
-- This section proposes the means and processes to address the nonpoint sources of polution, including a timeline and budget.

Many of the pre- and post-BMP pollutant estimates, and the source assumptions and equations therein, may be found in the Non-Point Source Inventory for Pond Creek Watershed. This document includes a land-use inventory and a pollutant flux model for each land cover type and the entire watershed. (75pg)

We welcome any comments on the Pond Creek Watershed Management Plan and invite you to submit feedback to (865) 974-7266, or pondcreek@utk.edu. If you have questions or concerns regarding water quality or natural resources, or thoughts on proposed management strategies, we would like to hear from you.

As part of an education and outreach campaign, several newsletters have been created to address local residents of the watershed. These non-technical documents provide information on how individuals can make a difference in improving water quality. Please review past and recent newsletters (pdfs) on this exciting project:

Check out the full catalogue of UT Extension publications at:

or, for publications specific to soils (testing and guidelines), visit: