About Pond Creek







Many agencies and individuals are involved in restoring Pond Creek Watershed. This is a large project which requires a great deal of work, on many fronts. Listed below are staff from UT Extension who are coordinating, organizing and motivating the restoration efforts. Contact the staff below at pondcreek@utk.edu

Fearless leader Dr. Forbes Walker has been involved with the Pond Creek project from the very beginning. An Environmental Soils Specialist and Associate Professor at UT, Dr. Walker has the difficult task of spearheading the entire initiative while keeping all stakeholders happy. He has been successful in obtaing over $500,000 in state and federal grants for the installation of many agriculture BMPs for the watershed.




Lena Beth Carmichael is the Pond Creek Watershed Coordinator and is instrumental in on-the-ground activities and accomplishments in the area. Based in Athens, TN, Lena Beth regularly communicates with landowners, TVA staff, NRCS officials and technical contractors. She also conducts monthly water quality grab-samples from within the watershed.




Jonathan Hagen concentrates his efforts on developing a watershed restoration plan for submittance to EPA and TN Dept. of Agriculture offices. This includes watershed modeling, proposing land-use management activities, and the creation of education and outreach publications.