About Pond Creek







Resources for homeowners and farmers

Listed below are links and contacts of informational resources relevant to Pond Creek watershed, and watershed restoration in general. Many of the agencies and resources listed currently have staff with direct involvement in the Pond Creek management initiative.

This listing is arranged from the most local to statewide to federal.

If you have questions or concerns about land improvements, local construction issues, or suspicious waters, please contatct the following agencies:

UT Agriculture Extension Units

Soil Conservation Office
County Health Department
Loudon County
(865) 458-5612
(865) 458-2306
(865) 458-2514
McMinn County
(423) 745-2852
(423) 745-6300
(423) 745-7431
Monroe County
(423) 442-2433
(423) 745-2202
(423) 442-3993
These phone numbers are correct as of 07/2006. If a number has changed, please contact us with the updated phone number at pondcreek@utk.edu.

UT Extension Homepage
Home page with information and links on agriculture economics, animal management, soil science, 4H programs, and agribusiness and ecology publications.

UT Soil Testing Lab
Great information on soil, forage and grain testing resources for the state. This also has recent fertilizer recommendations for farms and nurseries.

Tennessee Erosion and Sediment Control Handbook
"A guide for protection of state waters through the use of best management practices during land disturbance practices"

NRCS Publications
"Information for Farmers, Ranchers, and Other Agricultural (Ag) Producers"

NRCS Conservation Practices
FactSheets on specifc conservation practices, a.k.a. best management practices

NRCS Conservation Programs
Technical and incentive programs to reduce soil erosion, enhance water supplies, improve water quality, increase wildlife habitat, and reduce damages caused by floods and other natural disasters.

Organization to Minimize Phosphorus Losses from Agriculture. Site has factsheets on BMPs for decreasing the source and transport of agriculture phosphorus.

Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education
"SARE Provides Grants and Information to Improve Profitability, Stewardship and Quality of Life"

EPA Watershed Academy
EPA developed training moduels and general information on implementing watershed approaches of restoring water quality.

EPA Watershed Informatioin Network
"Roadmap to information services for protecting and restoring water resources"

EPA Septic System Resources
Great information for homeowners on wastewater management, including contacts, grants & funding, and checklists