The ProblemThe ChallengeThe Approach:In general terms, and with the support of many cooperating stakeholders: 1) assess land use / land cover; 2) identify potential or suspect sources of nonpoint source pollution, 3) estimate pollutant loading from these sources, and 4) suggest appropriate and cost effective best management practices (BMPs) and encourage their implementation.1) A land use inventory has been developed from color infrared photography using the TVA Integrated Point Source Identification (IPSI) suite of tools and models. For information on IPSI, check out this marketing document . 2) Through aerial photo interpretation and deligent and frequent georeferencing (on-site visits), known or suspect sites and operations were identified. 3) Sediment and nutrient loads were estimated from the revised universal soil loss equatiion (RUSLE). Beacause of the precision of the loading model, pollutant load estimates of fate and volume can be delineated by location and/or land use. 4) From the pollutant loading model, planning and implementation efforts are currently being efficiently focused for BMP implementation and installation. Additionally, post-BMP loading estimates are easily visualized via amending default parameters in the model. The Clean-upPlan of Action |