About Pond Creek







The Problem

The Challenge

The Approach

The Clean-up

Plan of Action:

Five priorities for action are identified in the Watershed Restoration Plan to reduce the impact of nonpoint source pollution on Pond Creek. They are:

Limiting stock access to waterways
By 2010 livestock are excluded from 50% of streams and >90% by 2012.

Stabilizing streambank erosion sites
By 2010 >25% of regular stream crossing points have appropriate paths or bridges, and >75% by 2012.

Developing sufficient conservation buffers
Establish 48,000 ft of riparian buffers by 2010, covering 50% of bare streambanks along pasture lands.

Applying good nutrient management
100% of large dairy farms to have Comprehensive Nutrient Management Plans to manage nutrient inputs and outputs by 2010.

Promoting effective waste management
Inspect, pump, or repair 60 septic systems per year, and install or repair 12 animal waste storage facilities by 2012.

The watershed modeling process allows users to evaluate pre- and post-bmp pollutant export volumes and the relative difference among the two, such as those expressed in the table below for Pond Creek watershed.

Estimated percent change in pollutant load by 2014, assuming a 50% land conversion rate.
BMP and NRCS FactSheet
soil loss
Renovation of poor pastures
Establish riparian or conservation buffers
Comprehensive Nutrient Management Plans
Practive conservation tillage
Implement prescribed grazing practices
Reduce the area of livestock loafing areas
Limit direct access of livestock to the stream
Repair livestock stream access sites
Repair and install manure holding facilities
Repair failing septic systems
total estimated reductions:

The big take-home message from this table is that through successful establishment of these few BMPs, total volumes of soil loss, nitrogen and bacteria are reduced to the point of removing Pond Creek watershed from Tennessee's list of impaired waters!